<aside> 🌹 Content warning: Blood sacrifices.


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Full Name: Elliott Ortega

Aliases: Ell, Ellie, Miss Ortega, Ortega heir

Gender: Agender (She/her)

Age: 26 (both apparent and actual)

Species: Sarcoda

Height: 190cm / 6’03

Year: 5th

Facet: Citryne

Stats: PSY -1 KNO 2 CON 2 ALT 1

The heir of an affluent Sarcodan clan that has since fallen into disrepair, Elliott is every sense the perfect individual that a once-royal family wishes their heir is. Intelligent, polite, and obedient — the mark of a well-bred daughter raised with nothing but the heaviest hopes to resurrect the dead and breathe new life into the living.

Of course, she doesn’t mind one bit. She doesn’t mind how many opportunities she sees pass her everyday because of her status, or how she is unable to truly make anything of her life past what is planned. These were the cards she drew, despite never asking for it. This was the lot given to her, and she is lucky to be in a circumstance where she can want for nothing.

Except she doesn’t feel that way at all, no matter how hard she tries to ignore that feeling in her gut.

<aside> 🍷 **T H E O R T E G A N T A S T E

Increased durability and strength, a fortress against all that might harm you.**

*Doubles the Amanea’s CON score. Lasts for 15 minutes, or for 2 ‘combat rounds’. *****

The Ortegas were formerly known as the pillars of society, never forsaking their ‘humanity’ while remaining righteous, noble and virtuous. Their particular Taste inhibits their legacy they have left to the current generation, a metaphysical strengthening of the self that grants boons to those who have trained their body well enough to withstand the fires of their enemies.

Passed down through blood, this particular Taste has been known to skip several generations no matter how pure-blooded the Ortegas hoped to keep their bloodline. The family has been known to bring in bastard children who showed even an inkling of developing the millennia-nurtured Taste.

It is noted to be sharp and metallic, heavy upon the tongue, and somewhat ‘disgusting’. Not many Amaneans can stand its repeated taste and texture, though the opinion differs among individuals. Indeed, the Amanean vassal family of the Ortegas have reported the flavor to taste delicious, or even addicting.

There are only a few Sarcodans known to share this taste, Elliott included.



Third-born of a branch of the illustrious Ortega family, Elliott’s inheritance of the family Taste was discovered and she was separated from her ‘low-bred’ mother and father, given a seat at the table among dusty hallways and grand, rotting architecture. From as young as she was she was told that she would one day assume the head of the clan, and was raised with high expectations in mind. Grateful for the opportunity and unaware of what else she could do to her lack of choices, Elliott could only hope but conform to her newfound family’s wish, following their every wish dutifully while harboring a secret deep in her heart.

Though she was never rebellious or acted out in bad faith, she wonders how it must be like to live outside her cage. Fearful of what lay beyond the realm she knew due to the value of her blood, however, she refrains from acting out, and only escapes through half-made fantasies of one day escaping her ivory tower, all the while feeling guilty to even think of such an irresponsible escape when she owed much to the Ortegas.

She had applied to the Academy simply because this was where many of her family had gone to before, being long-time sponsors of the Academy. Rather than changing things through study or discovering new and different biological evolution of her race, she applies herself to the social arts and to politics, learning how to meticulously manage both Sarcodans and Amaneans as well as create strong, life-lasting political relationships with allies within the Academy.


She often goes out of her way to help others with their problems without making it a big deal. Though she is modest and refuses any sort of praise or accolade if she does not think she deserves it, she is just as equally one of the most diligent and hardworking students in the Academy to be able to prove herself and her family in the eyes of others. She is quite thoughtful and conscientious about the way she is perceived, perhaps uncannily so; though kind, there is a sense of distance between herself and others, an impassable barrier one may not cross to know her true self.

Perhaps it is because she was raised to be the perfect Ortega, the unblemished shield, that she feels pressured to be perfect. Though she struggles with connecting with her more negative emotions and can be quite repressed, she strives nonetheless to mean something to others. A friend or a partner, a study mate or a senior, as long as she can be depended and relied upon — a desire born out of a misguided need to become the heir her family tells her to be.



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